3D SFT Redemption


Our decision to implement a preorder and redemption process for 3D EAPES stems from several compelling reasons. Once your selected 2D EAPE has been reimagined in 3D it cannot be undone. The 3D avatar will be forever linked to his 2D EAPE NFT.

Given the fluid nature of personal preferences, our process accommodates the ever-evolving tastes of our community. The EAPE chosen for reimagination today may differ in a matter of months.

Furthermore, it alleviates concerns about inadvertently selling a 2D EAPE with its corresponding 3D avatar, only to encounter challenges of affording another 3D SFT Box.

This approach affords holders ample time to deliberate their preferred 2D EAPE for transformation into a captivating 3D avatar, while also securing the option to transform any chosen 2D EAPE simply by owning a 3D SFT Box.

But don’t worry, the redemption process is straightforward. Simply purchase a 3D SFT Box, await the commencement of the redemption period, and redeem your box for the desired EAPE you own.

It’s that simple.

Last updated